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Text File | 1997-11-12 | 35.5 KB | 685 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- ==============================================================================
- = Alpha Commands
- ==============================================================================
- In this list of routines, text between '<' and '>' is a placeholder for a
- required parameter, text between '[' and ']' is a placeholder for an
- optional parameter, and the '|' signifies a choice of two or more
- alternatives. A '+' signifies that the previous symbol can be present one
- or more times, while a '*" means zero or more times. Some commands have no
- parameters, and are only expected to be called interactively.
- The following are Alpha-specific tcl routines:
- • abortEm - aborts whatever is currently happening
- • abbrev <label> <string> [<mode>] - register a label for <string>. See
- 'execAbbrev'.
- • addAlphaChars <chars> - Add <chars> to the list of characters that internally
- are caught by the 'isalnum' and 'isalpha' calls. Can be used to augment
- the list of characters that the \w pattern in a regular expression
- responds to. Use w/ care.
- • addMenuItem [-m] [-l <meta-characters>] <menu name> <item name> - Convert
- item to menu form and add to specified menu. If '-m' specified, menu
- form conversion not done. The '-l' option allows you to use menu meta
- characters as text of menu items. If the '-l' option is used, the
- <meta-characters> string is interpreted for menu item attributes, and
- meta-characters in <item name> are included in the menu item text
- literally. For example:
- addMenuItem -m -l "/B" "Hello/C"
- would appear as the text "Hello/C" in the menu, and have "B" as its
- command equivalent.
- • addDef <var> <val> - Permanently save an association between the var
- 'var' and 'val'. 'addDef' and 'addArrDef' are now the sanctioned way to
- save values between sessions. Also see 'removeDef' and 'removeArrDef'.
- • addArrDef <var> <field> <val> - Permanently save an association between
- the var var(field) and 'val'.
- • AEBuild [<flags>] <app (name|creator)> <aesuite> <aeevent> [<event parameters>]* -
- Build and send an apple-event. 'AEBuild' is apple's code of the same
- name. Each "event parameter" is two parameters, a parameter type and
- the data for the parameter. See the AEBuild doc for more details,
- :Tcl:SystemCode:think.tcl for examples. The flags are '-r' (wait for reply),
- '-q' (queue reply, in which case 'handleReply' (in appleEvents.tcl) is
- called with the reply as a parameter, and '-t <timeout>' specifies the
- timeout in ticks.
- • alertnote message_string
- This command will display message_string in a standard Macintosh alert box.
- • alphaHelp - display Alpha help.
- • ascii (see bindings).
- • askyesno [-c] prompt
- This command will display a Macintosh alert box with 'prompt' displayed
- with the push buttons Yes and No. The command will return the
- string "yes" or "no". The '-c' flag specifies that a cancel button be
- used as well.
- • backSpace - delete selection, or a single char if no selection.
- • backwardChar - moves insertion one char back
- • backwardCharSelect - extends selection one char back
- • backwardDeleteWord - deletes previous word
- • backwardWord - moves insertion one word back
- • balance - selects smallest set of parens, braces, or
- brackets that encloses the current selection
- • beep
- • beginningBufferSelect - extend selection to the
- beginning of the buffer
- • beginningLineSelect - extend selection to the
- beginning of the line
- • beginningOfBuffer - move insertion to the beginning
- of the buffer
- • beginningOfLine - move insertion to the beginning of
- the line
- • bind (see bindings)
- • blink <pos> - blink cursor at 'pos'
- • breakIntoLines <string> - return 'string' with
- carriage returns and spaces inserted to satisfy
- 'leftFillColumn' and 'fillColumn' variables.
- • bringToFront <winName> - Bring named window to front.
- • buttonAlert <prompt> [<button>…] - Create a dialog w/ the specified
- buttons, returning the one selected.
- • capitalizeRegion - capitalize all words in selected
- region
- • capitalizeWord - capitalize word
- • centerRedraw - redraw window with current line in
- the middle.
- • clear - clear selected text
- • closeAll - close all windows
- • colorTriple [<prompt>] [<red> <green> <blue>] - Prompts user to choose
- color. If specified, the input RGB value is used as the initial color on
- the colorpicker.
- • copy - copy region
- • cp <fromName>+ <toName>
- This command will copy the file fromName and name the new file toName,
- overwriting any existing file. This command copies both data forks, and
- the Finder information.
- • createTagFile - searches all files in current file set
- and saves the locations of any function declarations
- in a file called 'cTAGS'.
- • createTMark <name> <pos> - create a temporary 'mark'
- at location 'pos'.
- • currentPosition - displays current and total bytes.
- • cut - deletes and saves region
- • deleteChar - delete char AFTER cursor
- • deleteMenuItem [-m] <menu name> <item name> - Convert item to menu form
- and delete from specified menu. If '-m' specified, menu form conversion
- not done.
- • deleteModeBindings <mode> - Delete all bindings for specified mode.
- • deleteSelection - delete current position, don't save
- • deleteWord - delete word after cursor
- • describeBinding - display the binding of the next typed key sequence.
- • deleteText <pos1> <pos2> - remove text between 'pos1'
- and 'pos2'
- • dialog [<-w width>|<-h height>|<-b title l t r b>|<-c title val l t r b>|
- <-t text l t r b>|<-e text l t r b>|<-r text val l t r b>|
- <-p l t r b>]+
- Create and display a dialog. '-w' and '-h' allow width and height of
- dialog window to be set. '-b', '-c', '-r', '-t', '-e' and '-p' allow
- buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, static text, editable text and gray
- outlines to be created, respectively. All control types (except gray
- outlines) require specification of a title or text, together with left,
- top, right, and bottom coordinates. Checkboxes and radioboxes have an
- additional parameter, the default value. At least one button must be
- specified. The return value is a list containing resulting values for
- all buttons, radioboxes, checkboxes, and editable textboxes (static text
- is ignored). Buttons have value '1' if chosen, '0' otherwise. The
- dialog box exits at the first button press.
- • dirs - show current directory stack. See 'pushd' and 'popd'.
- • display [-w <win>] <pos> - move pos's line to top of screen.
- • displayMode <mode> - Up to four characters of the 'mode' string are
- displayed in the status line at the bottom of a window.
- • dosc [<-c 'sign' | -n appName>] [-k 'clas'] [-e 'evnt'] <-s string | -f fileName> [<-t timeout|-r>]
- Send an AppleEvent, by default class 'misc', event 'dosc'.
- -c 'sign'
- "sign" is a four-letter creator signature of a running application.
- -n appName
- "appName" is the name of a running application.
- -k 'clas'
- "clas" is a four-letter event class.
- -e 'evnt'
- "evnt" is a four-letter event class.
- -s string
- "string" is the text of a script to send to the other app.
- -f fileName
- "fileName" is the complete or relative pathname of a file the other
- application should execute.
- -t timeout
- "timeout" is the number of ticks Alpha should wait for a response. A
- timeout of "0" means wait forever.
- -r
- Do not wait for reply.
- -q
- Queue reply.
- If neither of the '-c' and '-n' options is chosen, the PPC Browser is
- used. Either '-s' or '-f' must be chosen. Thus, you can have "Alpha
- 5.02" and "Alpha 5.02 Copy" sending Apple events to each other, or they
- can send events to a remote server such as Apple's ToolServer.
- "$HOME:Tcl:UserCode:createStuffitArchive.tcl" contains examples of
- controlling Stuffit Deluxe via this command.
- • downcaseRegion - changes all uppercase letters to
- lowercase in current region
- • downcaseWord - changes all uppercase letters to
- lowercase in current word
- • dumpColors - dump current foreground and background
- colors into the current buffer in Alpha-readable
- format.
- • echo <string>* - echo the strings (used
- in shells).
- • edit [-r] [-m] [-c] [-w] [-g <l> <t> <w> <h>] <name> - Open a file in new
- window. '-c' means don't prompt for duplicate win if file already open.
- '-r' means open the file read-only. '-m' means omit the function titlebar
- menu and present only the marks titlebar menu, which is labeled with the
- contents of 'markLabel'. The '-g' option allows left and top coords to
- be specified, plus width, and height. All or none. '-w' allows you to
- bypass the "Wrap" dialog for files with long rows.
- • enableMenuItem <menuName> <item text> <on|off> - Either enable or
- disable the menu item of user menu 'menuName' that has text '<item
- text>'. Note that unless the menu is not only created, but also already
- inserted, this command has no effect.
- • endBufferSelect - extend selection to the end of the
- buffer
- • endKeyboardMacro - stop recording keyboard macro
- • endLineSelect - extend selection to the end of line
- • endOfBuffer - move insertion to the end of the buffer
- • endOfLine - move insertion to the end of the line
- • enterSearchString - use current selection for future searches.
- • eventHandler [class] [event] [proc] - Register 'proc' to handle the class
- and event specified. Class and event are each 4 char args. 'proc' takes
- a single argument that specifies the incoming event according to the
- syntax here. There is currently no provision for a reply.
- • exchangePointAndMark - exchange the current 'mark'
- w/ the current insertion point
- • execAbbrev - looks at current word and tries to expand it. Labels are
- specified using 'abbrev'.
- • execute - prompt user for a function or macro. The
- tab key acts as a "completion" command.
- • executeKeyboardMacro - execute the current keyboard
- macro
- • fileInfo - prompts for a file, and displays type,
- creator, sizes of both data and resource forks, last
- modification time, and creation time
- • fileRemove - prompts for a file, and removes it
- • find - bring up the find dialog
- • findAgain - repeat search forward
- • findAgainBackward - repeat search backward
- • findFile [<path>] - open a file in a new window. An optional path parameter
- specifies a default directory or file.
- • findInNextFile - search next file.
- • findTag - prompt user for a function name and attempt
- to use the file 'cTAGS' to locate the function's
- definition
- • float -m <menu> [<-h|-w|-l|-t|-M> <val>] [-n winname] [-z tag] -
- Takes a created menu (not necessarily in the menubar), and makes a
- floating window out of it. Returns integer tag that is used to remove
- the window. NOT DYNAMIC! W/ no options returns all currently defined menus.
- Displayed w/ system floating window WDEF if system 7.5, plainDBox
- otherwise. -h through -M change width, height, left margin, top margin, and
- margin between buttons. -z allows a ten-char tag to be specified for
- 'floatShowHide'.
- • floatShowHide <on|off> <tag> - Shows or hides all floats w/ specified
- tag. Tags of current modes are automatically shown/hidden.
- • forwardChar - move insertion one character forward
- • forwardCharSelect - extend selection one character
- forward
- • forwardWord - move insertion one word forward
- • freeMem - give a rough approximation of the current
- memory reserves of ALPHA
- • get_directory [-p <prompt>]
- This command will display a standard Macintosh file dialog and request the user
- select a folder. The command will return the selected folder's full path name, or an
- empty string if the Cancel button was selected.
- • getAscii - displays the ASCII code for character at
- current insertion point
- • getChar - waits for a keystroke, returns ascii.
- • getModifiers - returns current modifiers mask. "OR" of several values,
- cmdKey = 0x01, /* Bit 0 of high byte */
- shiftKey = 0x02, /* Bit 1 of high byte */
- alphaLock = 0x04, /* Bit 2 of high byte */
- optionKey = 0x08, /* Bit 3 of high byte */
- controlKey = 0x10, /* Bit 4 of high byte */
- rightShiftKey = 0x20, /* Bit 5 of high byte */
- rightOptionKey = 0x40, /* Bit 6 of high byte */
- rightControlKey = 0x80, /* Bit 7 of high byte */
- • getColors - returns list of colors/hypertext for current document.
- Format is list of lists, each sublist consisting of file offset, color
- index, and possibly a hypertext command.
- • getfile [<prompt>] [<path>]
- This command will display an SFGetFile() and return the full path name of the
- selected file, or an error if CANCEL button was selected. An optional path
- parameter specifies a default directory or file.
- • getFileInfo <file> <arr> - Given a file name, creates an array called
- 'arr' in the current context, containing fields 'created', 'creator',
- 'modified', 'type', 'datalen', and 'resourcelen'. 'created' and
- 'modified' are in a form suitable for the command 'mtime'.
- • getGeometry [win] - return a TCL list containing the left
- edge of the current window, the top, the width, and height.
- • getline <prompt> <default>
- This command will display a Macintosh alert box with prompt displayed, a
- text edit field with default initially in the field, and with the push
- buttons OK, Cancel.. The command will return the text entered into the
- text edit field by the user, or an empty string if the user selected the
- Cancel button.
- • getMainDevice - return a list containing the left, top, right, and
- bottom of the rectangle defining the main device.
- • getMark - return the current mark.
- • getNamedMarks [-w <win>] [-n] -
- return list of all permanent marks in open files. Each
- element of a list describes one mark as a sublist of the mark's name,
- the complete pathname of the mark's file, the position of the first
- character in the first line displayed, the current position, and the
- end of the selection if text is hilited, or the current position again
- if there is no hilited section. '-w' allows window name to be applied
- as filter, '-n' means only names will be returned.
- • getPathName - prompt the user with an SFGetFile dialog and return
- complete pathname.
- • getPos [-w <win>] - return the current insertion point
- • getScrap - returns system TEXT scrap.
- • getSelect - return the currently selected text, if
- any.
- • getText [-w <win>] <pos1> <pos2> - return the text between 'pos1'
- and 'pos2'. '-w' can be used to specify a window.
- • getTMarks - Return a list of temporary marks. Each item of the returned
- list is a sublist containing the mark name, the complete pathname of the
- mark, and the start and finish of the selection named by the mark. The
- following is an example of the result:
- {{temp1 External:file.c 1312 1315} {temp2 Internal:it.h 111 111}}
- • getWinInfo [-w <win>] <arr> - Creates an array in current context
- containing info about either the current or a specified window. Array
- has fields 'state', 'platform', 'read-only', 'tabsize', 'split',
- 'linesdisp' (num lines that can be seen in the window), 'currline'
- (first line displayed), and 'dirty'.
- • glob [-i] [-t <TYPE>] [-c <CRTR>]
- The original glob provided by the UNIX version of tcl was not quite
- adequate for the more complex Macintosh file system. Issues such as
- invisible file handling, Finder type and creator filtering, and space
- handling in file names. Release 6 of tcl has dealt with the original
- problem with spaces in filenames, but the following options are provided
- to deal with additional Macintosh issues.
- Anyway, the new glob now takes several options. They are:
- -i This option causes glob to list invisible files also.
- -t TYPE This option causes glob to only list file with the
- indicated Finder file typeTYPE. This option may be
- used with the -c option.
- -c CRTR This option causes glob to only list file with the
- indicated Finder file creatorCRTR. This option may
- be used with the -t option.
- Also note that the original glob would skip dot files
- (i.e., file names the begin with a period)
- in the listing, unless the pattern began with a period.
- Tickle extends this concept one step further on the
- Macintosh, and skips spot files (i.e., file names that
- begin with '•'), unless the pattern starts with a spot.
- • goto <pos> - goto the position 'pos'.
- • gotoMark - goto named mark, use 'mark' in macros.
- • gotoTMark <name> - goto the temporary mark 'name'.
- • icon [-f <winName>] [-c|-o|-t|-q] [-g <h> <v>] - Having to do w/
- iconifying windows. '-c' means close (iconify) window, '-o' open, '-t'
- toggle open/close, '-q' returns either a '1' for an iconified window or a
- '0' for an uniconified window, and '-g' moves the icon to horizontal
- position <h> and vertical position 'v'. Options are executed as they
- are parsed, so the '-f' option, if present, should always be first.
- • icURL <URL> - passes arg to Internet Config, if present. Error if not
- present.
- • icGetPref [<-t <type>] <pref name> - Gets preference from
- Internet Config. '-t' allows type to be set, '0' returns a string
- (default), '1' returns a path name, commonly used for helper apps. A
- <pref name> of 'all' returns all valid preferences.
- • icOpen - Opens Internet Config
- • insertAscii - prompts for an ASCII code and inserts
- into text.
- • insertColorEscape <pos> <color ind> [hypertext func] - Create a color
- or style "point" for documentation purposes. Look at the file
- "docColors.tcl" for examples. The hypertext func is only used when the
- "point" is underline. See 'getColors' for info about the current file.
- • insertFile - prompts for a file name and inserts the
- corresponding file into the current window. Not
- undoable.
- • insertMenu <name> - insert the previously created user menu 'name' into
- the menuBar.
- • insertPathName - present the user w/ a SFGetFIle dialog
- and paste the complete path-name of the chosen file
- into the current window
- • insertText [-w <win name>] <text>* - Insert 'text' at the current
- insertion point. Mark is unchanged.
- • insertToTop - make the line that the insertion point
- is on the first line shown, and display the current
- line number along w/ the total number of lines in file
- • isearch - incremental search: searches w/o a dialog,
- searches as you type the search pattern. Does not do
- regular expression searches. 'matchWords'
- automatically set to false.
- • iterationCount - allows actions to be repeated many times. "control-u 44
- =" inserts 44 '='s into current window. Also can be used to execute any
- function or macro (including the keyboard macro) many times. Defaults to
- 4.
- • keyAscii - insert ascii representation (in decimal)
- of the keydown event, plus a modifier string, if
- necessary.
- • keyCode - insert the key code along w/ a string
- representing and modifiers into the current window.
- Can be used to create bindings in 'Alphabits'.
- • killLine - kill text from insertion point to the end
- of the line. If the line has no text, delete the line
- and move succeeding lines up one.
- • killWindow - kill current window
- • largestPrefix <list> - Returns the longest prefix contained in all
- strings of 'list'.
- • launch -f <name> - launch the named app into the background. Note that
- for some yet unexplained reason, some applications (MicroSoft Word)
- won't launch completely in the background. 'launch'ing such
- applications won't insert the application into any system menu that
- specifies running applications (although "About the Finder..." will
- list it. The only way to get to such an app is through Alpha's
- 'switchTo', after which the application will finish launching. The '-f'
- option gets around this by launching the application in the foreground
- instead.
- • lineStart <pos> - return the position of the start of
- the line 'pos' is on.
- • listpick [-p <prompt>] [-l] [-L <def list>] <list>
- This command will display a dialog with the list displayed in a List Manager
- list. If the user presses the Cancel button, an empty string is returned. If
- the user selects the Open button, or double clicks an item in the list, that
- item will be returned. If '-l' is specified, than the return is a list of
- items.
- • load - loads hilited text, or entire window if
- nothing is hilited. 'load'ing means that whatever
- bindings or macro definitions are present in the
- loaded text take effect
- • lookAt [-w <name>] <pos> - return the 'pos'th character of the
- current file, or the file named by <name> if the '-w' option is specified.
- • markHilite - This is the 'Hilite' from the 'Edit'
- menu. If there is a currently hilited selection, the
- selection is unhilited, leaving the mark and the
- insertion point around the old selection. If there
- is not a selection, the region between the insertion
- point and the mark is selected.
- • markMenuItem [-m] <menuName> <item text> <on|off> [<mark char>] - Either mark or unmark
- the menu item of user menu 'menuName' that has text '<item text>'.
- Note that unless the menu is not only created, but also already
- inserted, this command has no effect.
- • matchBrace - moves the insertion point to the
- character that matches the character after the current
- insertion point
- • matchIt <brace char> <pos> [<limit>] - Return pos of matching brace. Recognizes
- parenthesis, square brackets, and curly braces. Optional third argument
- specifies how many characters to search.
- • maxPos [-w <win>] - returns the number of characters in the front
- window.
- • menu [-s] [-n <name>] [-i <num] [-m] [-M <mode>] [-p <procname>] <list of menu items> -
- Defines a new menu named 'name' (if provided w/ '-n' option). The menu is not
- yet inserted into the menubar. The menu commands may be nested for
- heirarchical menus, see 'AlphaBits.tcl' for examples. Alpha massages the
- function names to make them look better in the menus.
- '-c' Ignore any menu meta-chars. Can also be done on a per-item basis
- by appending an ampersand ('&') to the end of an item.
- '-s' Use system menu definition proc (faster).
- '-n <num>' Resource id of icon suite to use for menu title. 'ics#'
- is the only resource that is really necessary.
- '-n <name>' Name the menu. Not necessary for submenus.
- '-m' No menu form. If not supplied, each menu item is split into
- words at each capitalized letter.
- '-p <name>' The tcl proc named by 'name' is called w/ the menu's name
- and the item's contents when the item is chosen.
- '-M <mode>' Specifies that any bindings created by the menu are
- specific to a given mode. This is important because mode-specific
- bindings over-ride global bindings.
- • message <string> - prints 'string' on the status line.
- • mkdir <name> - creates a directory (folder) named
- 'name' in the current directory.
- • mousePos - Returns list <row,col> of mouse position, if the mouse is
- currently over the active window. Otherwise, return error (catch w/
- 'catch').
- • moveInsertionHere [-last] - move the insertion point to the
- first (or last) line displayed
- • moveFile <fromName> <toName>
- This command will move the file fromName to toName, overwriting any
- existing file. The move can not be made across volume (disk drives)
- boundaries.
- • moveWin [win name] <left> <top> - moves current or specified window.
- The window name can be "StatusWin".
- • mtime <time> [long|short|abbrev]
- Returns a date and time string using the Macintosh International Utilities. The
- long/short/abbrev specification corresponds to the date. These are the following
- formats:
- short 3/16/92 9:20:46 PM
- abbrev Mon, Mar 16, 1992 9:20:49 PM
- long Monday, March 16, 1992 9:20:43 PM
- The returned value actually is in the form of a list. To get text as
- above, run the result through 'join', as in "join [mtime [now] short]".
- • nameFromAppl '<app sig>' - Interrogates the desktop database for the first
- existing app that has the desired signature. <app sig> is four chars
- inside single quotes.
- • new [-g <l> <t> <w> <h>] [-n <name>] - opens an untitled window. Can optionally
- provide left and top coordinates, plus width and height. All or none.
- • nextLine - move insertion point to next line
- • nextLineSelect - extend selection to the next line
- • nextLineStart <pos> - return the position of the start
- of the next line after position 'pos'.
- • nextSentence - go to next sentence ("fill.tcl").
- • nextWindow - select next window
- • now
- Returns the current time as Macintosh seconds. This is the number of seconds that
- have elapsed since Midnight Jan 1, 1904.
- • oneSpace - converts whitespace surrounding insertion
- into a single space.
- • openLine - insert a new line following the current
- one and move the insertion point to it
- • otherPane - If window is split, select the other pane.
- • pageBack - display prev screenful, move the
- insertion point if 'moveInsertion' enabled
- • pageForward - display next screenful, move the
- insertion point if 'moveInsertion' enabled
- • pageSetup - display the printing PageSetup dialog.
- • paste - insert the last chunk of text created by 'cut'
- or 'copy'
- • popd - Pop top dir off dir stack and 'cd' to it.
- • posToRowCol <pos> - converts from absolute position to row, col.
- • prefixChar - used to further modify the next keystroke
- combination, in the same manner as using the shift key
- in the next keystroke
- • previousLine - move insertion point to the previous
- line
- • prevLineSelect - extend selection to the previous line
- • prevSentence - go to previous sentence ("fill.tcl").
- • prevWindow - select previous window
- • print - print front window
- • processes - returns info of active processes. A list of lists, each
- sublist contain a file-name, an application signature, the application
- memory size, and the number of ticks the application has been active.
- • prompt <prompt> <default> [<name> <menu item>*] - prompt dialog to
- the user with a prompt string and a default value. The prompt dialog can
- optionally include a popup menu specified by 'name' and the succeeding
- strings. Selection of the popup menu items inserts the item text into the
- editable dialog item. 'Prompt' returns the value of the editable item.
- If the 'Cancel' button is selected, the tcl returns an error and your
- script will be stopped unless you execute the command from 'catch'.
- • pushd [<dir>] - If 'dir' specified, push current folder into directory
- stack and 'cd' to dir. Otherwise, swap current dir w/ top of dir stack.
- • putfile <prompt> <original>
- This command will display an SFPutFile() and return the full path name of the
- selected file, or an empty string if CANCEL button was selected. Original is the
- default name displayed for the user.
- • putScrap [<string>]+ - Concatenate strings together into the system
- scrap. The scrap can be appended to through calls of the form 'putScrap
- [getScrap] " another word"'.
- • pwd
- This command will return the current working directory, ending in a colon.
- • quit - quits ALPHA
- • rectMarkHilite - creates a rectangular selection
- between the mark and the insertion point.
- • redo - redo the next action that has been undone but
- not redone
- • regModeKeywords [options] <mode> <keyword list> - Set keywords and comments that
- Alpha can recognize to color them. Specifically, in mode <mode>, every
- keyword specified in the list is colored non-black (blue, by default).
- Comments, if specified by '-e' or '-b' below, are colored red by defualt.
- -a Keywords will be *added* to existing mode
- keywords. The new keywords can be a different
- color than older keywords. This flag can also be
- used to modify other attributes, but it cannot be
- used to modify colors of existing keywords.
- -m <c> Specify a magic character. Every word beginning with the
- magic character is a keyword.
- -e <commentstr> Specify a string that begins comments that last to
- the end of the line.
- -b <comment beg> <comment end> Specify a pair of strings that bracket a
- comment.
- -c <color> Comment color.
- -k <color> Keyword color.
- -s <color> String color. Alpha can color single-line
- strings only, using the simple heuristic
- of assuming the first two double quotes
- constitute a string.
- -i <char> Specify a character to display differently.
- Commonly used for curly braces, etc.
- -I <color> Color of above characters.
- Keywords must be less than 20 characters long.
- • removeArrDef <var> <field> - Remove the pernament definition of
- 'var(field)'. See 'addDef' and 'addArrDef'.
- • removeDef <var> - Remove the permanent definition of 'var'.
- • removeFile <fileName>
- This command will delete the file or folder 'fileName'.
- • removeMenu <name> - remove menu 'name' from menubar, except those
- specified by previous 'makeMenuPermanent' calls.
- • removeTMark <name> - remove temporary mark.
- • replace - replace the current selection
- • replaceAll - replace all further occurrences in the current file.
- • replace&FindAgain - replace the current selection and find next
- occurrence.
- • replaceString [<str>] - specifies replacement string. Returns current
- replacement string if no arg.
- • replaceText <pos1> <pos2> [text]+ - replaces the text
- between 'pos1' and 'pos2' with 'text', where 'text' can be any number
- of arguments. Leaves insertion at end, mark at beginning of inserted
- text.
- • restoreVars - restore variables to saved state,
- see 'saveVars'
- • revert - revert the file to its last saved version
- • rmdir <dirname> - remove a directory (folder)
- • rowColToPos [-w <win>] <row> <col> - converts to abosolute position.
- Accepts optional -w parameter that allows window to be specified.
- • rsearch - reverse incremental search, see 'isearch'.
- • save - save current window
- • saveAs [def name] - save current window with new name. Optionally takes
- a default filename. Returns complete path of saved file, if ok hit,
- otherwise TCL_ERROR returned.
- • saveVars - save variable state, see 'restoreVars'
- • scrollDownLine - same action as that which occurs when
- the down arrow in the vertical scrollbar is selected
- • scrollLeftCol - same action as that which occurs when
- the left arrow in the horizontal scrollbar is selected
- • scrollRightCol - same action as that which occurs when
- the right arrow in the horizontal scrollbar is
- selected
- • scrollUpLine - same action as that which occurs when
- the up arrow in the vertical scrollbar is selected
- • search [options…] <pattern> <pos> -
- -f <num> - go forward?
- -r <num> - regular expression?
- -s - save previous search string and search flags.
- -i <num> - ignore case?
- -m <num> - match words?
- -n - failed search still returns TCL_OK, but null string.
- -l <limit> - limit on how search goes.
- -- - next arg is the pattern.
- Searches for 'pattern' from position 'pos'. If the search succeeds, a
- list of two positions will be returned. The first is the starting position
- of the match, the second is one past the last character. If no '-n',
- TCL_ERROR returned.
- • searchString [<str>] - allows search string to be specified. Returns
- current searchstring if no arg.
- • select [-w <win>] <pos1> <pos2> - selects the text between 'pos1'
- and 'pos2'.
- • selEnd [-w <win>] - returns the end of the hilited selection, or
- the current insertion point if no text is selected.
- • sendOpenEvent [filler] <app name> <file name> - Send an open doc event to
- another currently running application. If 'filler' is noReply, then a
- reply is not requested. Otherwise, we wait for a reply and 'filler' is
- ignored.
- • setFileInfo <file> <field> [arg] - Allows some information to be set
- for files. Settable fields are 'modified', 'created', 'creator', and 'type'.
- All take an argument except 'resourcelen' which just removes the resource fork. 'file' is a complete pathname.
- • setFontsTabs - bring up font and tab dialog
- • setMark - set the current mark to the insertion point
- • setNamedMark [name disp pos end] - set named mark. If optional arguments are
- present, the mark is created without prompting user. 'disp' is the
- character position of the start of the first line to be displayed,
- while 'pos' and 'end' bracket the text to be selected.
- • setWinInfo [-w <win>] <field> <arg> - Sets a piece of data about either
- the current or a specified window. Settable fields 'platform', 'state',
- 'read-only', 'tabsize', 'dirty', and 'shell'. 'shell' means that dirty
- flag ignored and undo off.
- • shell - open the Tcl shell.
- • sizeWin [win name] <width> <height> - sets size of current or specified window.
- The window name can be "StatusWin", although only the width can be
- changed.
- • spacesToTabs - convert spaces in selection to tabs
- • specToPathName [hex data] - given an FSSpec in hex form (as that
- returned by aebuild, for instance, see the definition of thinkFileName
- in :Tcl:SystemCode:think.tcl), return a complete pathname.
- • splitWindow [percent] - toggle having window split into two panes.
- Optional arg specifies percent of window to allocate to the first pane.
- • startEscape - used to further modify the next
- keystroke combination, in the same manner as using the
- shift key in the next keystroke
- • startKeyboardMacro - start recording keyboard macro
- • statusPrompt <prompt> [<func>] - Prompt in the status window. If 'func'
- is present, call this routine at each key-press with the current
- contents of the status line and the key, insert into statusline
- whatever is returned by the func. Command-v pastes the current (<80
- char) clipboard contents on the status line.
- • substituteVars <string> - Takes a single string and
- substitutes for all variables inside it, regardless of
- depth. Unfortunately, you currently need to make 'global var'
- declarations in the proc you call this for each 'var' that might need
- to be substituted in the string (see proc.tcl for examples).
- • switchTo <appName> - Switches to application 'appName'.
- • tab - insert a tab
- • tabsToSpaces - convert tabs in selection to spaces.
- • ticks
- Returns the current TickCount. Ticks are 60ths of a seconds. TickCount is the
- number of ticks since the Macintosh was started. The command:
- puts stdout [expr "[ticks] / 60"]
- will print the number of seconds since the Macintosh was booted.
- • toggleScrollbar - toggles horizontal scrollbar on frontmost window.
- Will not succeed if scrollbar scrolled.
- • traceFunc on <funcName> <winName> Trace 'funcName', send output to
- 'winName'.
- traceFunc off Turn function tracing off.
- traceFunc status Display current tracing status.
- • unascii (see bindings)
- • unbind (see bindings)
- • undo - undo the last action that has not been undone
- • unfloat <float num> - removes specified floating window. W/ no options
- lists all floating windows.
- • upcaseRegion - convert all lowercase letters to
- uppercase in the current region
- • upcaseWord - convert all lowercase letters to
- uppercase in the current word
- • version - Return string of the form "Alpha Version 5.31, Feb. 15, 1993".
- • watchCursor - turns the cursor into a a watch cursor.
- • wc <file>... - counts chars, words, lines of input files.
- • winNames [-f] - return a TCL list of all open windows. If '-f' option
- specified, complete pathnames are returned.
- • wrap - see the section on "Fill" routines.
- • wrapText
- • xtclcmd [-f filename] <cmdname> [argument_list]*
- This command will load the external command cmdname and pass it the argument
- list [ cmdname argument_list... ]. External command are code resources of type
- XTCL. They may be located in the resource fork of the tickle application, or they
- may be located in a file named XTCL File in the same directory as the tickle
- application. If the optional -f filename is included, the external command will first
- be loaded from filename before the other two files.
- See the appendix for a detailed description of the external tcl command interface.
- See the accompanying sources for an example of writing an XTCL.
- • yank - insert the last piece of deleted text of less
- than 1k. Consecutive deletes are concatenated.
- together.
- • zapInvisibles - removes chars < ascii 32, except for
- LF's and CR's.
- • zoom - zooms the current window